MP7 - Review
There are times that I absolutely love this gun and times that I keep getting killed over and over while using it. The gun is quite compact and it doesn't take up much screen space. Muzzle flash is not bothering the aim. What is annoying me are those two big green dots that are on the iron sights. They tend to confuse me just enough at times that I get my aim off. While there is a logical small green dot to show me where I need to aim, for some reason I notice that quite often I'm aiming with that dot above the head. Iron sights are not bad, I just can use them instinctively.
The reason that this gun is unpredictable is that recoil is random. Gun can fire dead on straight, it can pull up or it can move to the right. And you never know which one is going to be. This is the only negative (and a huge negative for me) about this weapon. It is quite often that the recoil to the right gets me killed. A lot of times I have to fire around 20 bullets on medium distances to get the job done and this is enough time for better players to kill me. When you manage to keep the sights on the target, this gun is amazing, too bad it doesn't happen all the time. Hip fire on this gun is good, so it is very solid on close distances. The power of this weapon is tied to it's recoil and lag/lag compensation. It just feels inconsistent. I try to stay away from medium/long distance engagements when using just iron sights on this gun. I've seen quite a few guys being very successful with this gun on longer distances, I assume their connection is better than mine.
The clip size is solid and reload time feels just fine. No need to use fast mags on this gun. 40 bullets are easy 2 kills, borderline 3 kills. I don't really see the point for extended mags. Reload animation is solid and clear.
The normal attachments I use on this gun are fore grip and laser sight. These are my two most used attachments on submachine guns. Laser sight is to help with hip fire on close distances and fore grip to reduce the effects of recoil on longer distances. The perks I use are flak jacket, toughness and tactical mask. People love them betties and I don't like to be stopped by those pancakes. Shock charges are their evil cousins and I don't want to be bothered by them also. I use mostly low score streaks, so I don't benefit much from hardline. I prefer toughness to cold blooded for second perk. The other great attachments for this gun are red dot + laser sight combo. This improves the gun a lot on medium distances. I don't really use silencer and I don't really see this gun benefiting more from any other attachments. Rapid fire seems a logical choice, but while that attachment improves my close range time to kill it worsens my accuracy on medium and longer ranges.
MP7 - Final thoughts
Overall this gun is solid. Even though I keep repeating myself about the unpredictable recoil of this gun, the only reason I don't use it more is that there are better options out there for me. I don't hate this gun, I love the look of MP7 in real life, I like how it performs in game, but for serious business I just love my Vector more. The fact that this gun was in Modern Warfare 3 is also the reason this gun is branded into my brain as a classic and I use it from time to time.