S12 - Review

S12 is semiautomatic shotgun model patterned after the legendary AK-47. That can be seen from the gun design itself. Because AK has a huge sentimental value for me, I have to say that this gun looks awesome. Iron sights are a classic, as expected. Aiming with these sights is quite intuitive. Weapon model is quite compact, doesn't take much screen space and it doesn't block much view.

Apart from the gun design, there are very few things that I could praise this weapon for. It is possible to kill your opponent in one, teo shots on very close distances. As soon as the distance increases, you need to fire 5 or 6 shots to achieve anything. This weapon s simply to weak for some serious use. The magazine holds 10 shells, what seems quite a lot for a semiautomatic shotgun. In reality this is way to few shells. Reload time takes too much time, so fast mag is quite a solid choice. Reload animation is good.

The attachments I normally play with are quite usual for a shotgun. Laser sight and long barrel. In order to make this gun somewhat usable, I use Primary gunfighter and fast mags attachment. Long barrel is quite the obvious choice, to improve the range of the gun. Laser sights are for improve the hip fire pellet spread. Other available attachments don't really help in improving this weapon. Perks that I normally use are Lightweight, Toughness and Dexterity. Ene of the variants that could be used are Ghost and Suppressor. This way you could play a stealth tactics similar to the one that those knife-only monkeys play.

S12 - Final words

It is hard to find any good words about this weapon, let alone phrases. Its range is simply too short. On normal operating ranges you need up to 5 shots to kill an opponent and that is definitely too much for a shotgun. I just don't see any reason why should this gun be used over R870 or KSG. I am thinking what else could I write about S12, but there is no point. This gun is simply not good enough for anything.