Scorpion - Review

I love the way this gun looks. For me, this is best looking submachine gun in this game. Iron sights have two red dots, similar to the green dots that MP7 has. For some reason those MP7 green dots bother me, but these two red ones are quite OK. I use laser sight on this gun and it makes this gun look even better. Aiming with this gun is quite solid, not much is blocked and the sights are quite intuitive. Recoil visually looks quite solid. Muzzle flash has no effect on aiming. The sound of this gun is quite good. Looking at this weapon, looking at the stats one might think this is a really good weapon. OK range is a bit weak, but with 1200 rounds per minute, this gun should be amazing at any distance, right? Wrong!

Rate of fire is so fast that the only thing you see is reload animations. I usually need about 20 bullets to kill someone and that is more than half a clip. This gun really feels weak. It feels like only every second bullet registers. At a first glance there is no reason why this gun should be so bad. I think that the problem is a slight recoil to the left and right. It is just big enough to make you miss your opponents. It looks like the movement is very small, but apparently that is enough. I can usually manage 1 kill per clip, maybe 2 kills. All these problems become even bigger with lag/lag compensation. Even hip fire up close seems inaccurate. Reload feels fast and animation is solid.

I was trying to chose attachments for this gun, that would somehow make this gun good. The first thing that came to mind and seemed logical at the time was rapid fire. Hey, if you can't beat it, join it. Well, I guess there are some flaws in my logic. Rapid fire made this gun spew bullets faster than terminator on fast forward. All I did was reload. Suppressor is something I don't use because it doesn't suit my game play. I meet people mostly head-on, so not much use in being silent. Fore grip seems useless, long barrel doesn't really help much. All the scopes seem too bulky, except the red dot. What really surprised me was that adding fire selector actually made this gun better. It reduced the effects of recoil and helped me save ammo. Kills mostly took 3 bursts, 9 bullets in total. I mostly use this gun with laser sight and fire selector, almost like some sort of S12 shotgun. Maybe combination of fire selector with red dot is the better choice for some games, but I can't really say which combination is better. I use the same run & gun perks that I use with MSMC. They are perk 1 greed, perk 2 greed, lightweight, flak jacket, toughness, extreme conditioning and dexterity.

Scorpion - Final thoughts

I don't like this gun. I just don't play good with it. I am pathetic with it on medium and long distances. I have a feeling that only every second bullet registers. When I use it, it use it just for sake of completing all the titles. At least Treyarch saved the worst for last and gave you the option of immediately knowing that this gun is garbage (with default classes). This assessment might be harsh, but while all the other submachine guns are somewhat balanced, this one is way worse. Improving the weapon that can fire 1200 rounds per minute with a fire selector tells it all.